Kevin Moffett
Enshrined : 2018
New Haven Football Officials
Organizations need dedicated and
industrious people to run well and efficiently.
Kevin Moffett has fit that description
throughout his life. A 34-year member of the
Vincent J. Reilly-New Haven Football Officials
Association, Kevin is currently the
organization’s secretary. He is a past
president and multiple term district
representative for the executive committee.
An affable, quick-witted individual, Kevin
exudes an approachability and inner calm
that makes him one of the best, and most
reliable officials in the area. His wit has
served him well during his many years on the
In his career as a high school official, Kevin
has worked 4 state playoff games and one
Originally starting as a wing official, he has
become one of the top referees for the
NHFOA, and assists with a training program
for new officials each summer.
Kevin worked for 10 years as a member of
the Connecticut Chapter of the Eastern
Association of Intercollegiate Football
Officials, and his work was rewarded with an
ECAC Championship Game, and 4 NCAA
tournament games, including a national
He is also a member of the Connecticut
Women’s Lacrosse Officials Association and
IAABO Board 10 of New Haven.
In his spare time Kevin serves on the Town
of Orange Board of Finance, and is a lector
and Extraordinary Minister of Holy
Communion at Holy Infant R.C. Church.
A 1964 graduate of Hamden High School
where he played football and hockey, he
attended Quinnipiac College before entering
the Army Reserve, serving a six-year stint as
a medic with the 340th General Hospital Unit.
He completed his degree at the University of
New Haven in business administration. Before retiring he worked
for the Timex Corporation in
purchasing for 19 years before moving to become a Senior Buyer in Yale
University’s Facilities Department.
Kevin and his wife Patricia have two
children, Krista and Dan, and 4
grandchildren: Katy, Lilly, Ethan and Ella.